Guide | Creating A Unproblematic Dynamic Spider Web Sites Alongside Php Together With Mysql.

Guide | Creating a Simple Dynamic Web Sites amongst PHP together with MySQL.

Creating Dynamic Website With PHP together with MySQL. In this guide, you lot tin terminate larn how to practise a uncomplicated dynamic website using PHP together with MYSQL. The spider web created hither is really uncomplicated because of learning purpose. By creating a dynamic website users together with servers tin terminate interact inwards a complex way. By using the browser, the user tin terminate alter a certainly page. The requests from users volition move processed yesteryear the server hence equally to display a dissimilar information inwards accordance amongst the menstruation of the program. Generally, dynamic spider web pages bring dissimilar databases. In the dynamic web, at that spot are a varies data together with information depending on the input of each client. As good equally documents that tin terminate move read yesteryear the customer volition move dissimilar from the documents stored on the server.


  1. Download together with install XAMPP on your PC. why nosotros utilization XAMPP? Because XAMPP creates a reliable source to laid the correct environs for PHP programming inwards a fast way.
  2. Download together with install Notepad ++, nosotros volition utilization Notepad++ to practise together with write PHP code. Here

Guide to Creating Dynamic Web Site.

  1. Once XAMPP spider web server is already installed, instantly launch the XAMPP command panel.
  2. Then, Start the MySql Module from the electrical flow window.
     Creating a Simple Dynamic Web Sites amongst PHP together with MySQL Guide | Creating a Simple Dynamic Web Sites amongst PHP together with MySQL.
    XAMPP command panel
  3. Type localhost at the browser address bar to cheque that XAMPP working on your machine.
  4. If Xampp is already running, dice along to practise a PHP file.
  5. Create a novel projection on localhost, practise a folder together with rename it to dynamic_php at the next folder.
    • C:/xampp/htdocs/dynamic_php
  6. Now, practise or type the PHP code below inwards Notepad ++. Save it amongst the bring upwards index.php
  7. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head>  <title>creating dynamic website |</title>  <!-- menghubungkan dengan file css -->  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">  <!-- menghubungkan dengan file jquery -->  <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script> </head> <body> <!--  Author : asyraf_singh Site : --> <div class="content">  <header>   <h1 class="judul">Asyraf_singh</h1>   <h3 class="deskripsi">Creating Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Dynamic Website amongst PHP & MySql</h3>  </header>   <div class="menu">   <ul>    <li><a href="index.php?page=home">HOME</a></li>    <li><a href="index.php?page=tentang">About</a></li>    <li><a href="index.php?page=data">Data</a></li>   </ul>  </div>   <div class="badan">    <?php   if(isset($_GET['page'])){   $page = $_GET['page'];    switch ($page) {    illustration 'home':     include "pages/home.php";     break;    illustration 'tentang':     include "pages/about.php";     break;    illustration 'data':     include "pages/data.php";     break;       default:     echo "<center><h3>Sory .. pages non constitute !</h3></center>";     break;   }  }else{   include "pages/home.php";  }    ?>   </div> </div> </body> </html>
  8. To brand your dynamic spider web page await to a greater extent than interesting, delight practise the next css file on your Notepad ++ together with hence salve it amongst bring upwards style.css
  9. body{  background-color:#d3dce3;  font-size:16px  color:#444;  font-family: aqua; }  .content{  width: 65%;  margin: 10px auto; }  /*header*/ header{  background-color: #83b2d6;  padding: 20px 10px;  border-radius: 5px;  border: 1px enterprise #f0f0f0;  margin-bottom: 10px; }  header h1.judul, header h3.deskripsi{  text-align: center;  }  /*menu navigasi*/ .menu{  background-color: #2685cc;  border: 1px enterprise #f0f0f0;  border-radius: 8px;   margin-bottom: 10px; } ul {  list-style:none;  overflow: hidden; } ul li {  float:left;    text-transform:uppercase; } ul li a {  display:block;   padding:0 20px;  text-decoration:none;  color:#01f2f9;  font-family: sans-serif;  font-size:13px;  font-weight:400;  transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out; } ul li a:hover, ul li a.hoverover {   cursor: pointer;   color:#fff; }   div.badan{  background-color: #d9ddee;  border-radius: 5px;  border: 1px enterprise #f0f0f0;  margin-bottom: 10px; }  div.halaman{  text-align: center;  padding: 30px 20px;  }
  10. At this step, you lot bring successfully created a uncomplicated dynamic website template.
  11. Then, become to C:/xampp/htdocs/dynamic_php and practise a folder, rename this folder amongst pages.
     Creating a Simple Dynamic Web Sites amongst PHP together with MySQL Guide | Creating a Simple Dynamic Web Sites amongst PHP together with MySQL.
    creating a dynamic website
  12. Then, nosotros volition practise some PHP pages that are placed inwards the pages folder.
  13. Here is the page that nosotros volition create.
    • home
    • about
    • data
  14. Now, practise or type the next PHP code on Notepad ++ to practise home.php
  15. <div class="pages">  <h2>Home</h2>  <p>Wellcome to my website</p> </div>
  16. Then, practise about.php
  17. <div class="pages">  <h2>About Us</h2>  <p>This is About Us page</p>  <p>this is my personal dynamic spider web pages</p> </div>
  18. Now, practise or write the next PHP code to practise data.php
  19. <div class="pages">  <h2>Data Page</h2>  <p>Hello.. this is the information page</p> </div>
  20. Now exam your page, it's operate or not. Type the next URL at the browser address bar.
    • http://localhost/dynamic_php/
  21. If successful, you lot volition run across the spider web page equally shown inwards the motion-picture exhibit below.
     Creating a Simple Dynamic Web Sites amongst PHP together with MySQL Guide | Creating a Simple Dynamic Web Sites amongst PHP together with MySQL.
    creating a dynamic website