Google Android 6.0 Marshmallow : X Keen Clandestine Characteristic You Lot Must Know

Google Android 6.0 Marshmallow : 10 Great Secret Feature You Must Know.

Android 6.0 Marshmallow : 10 Great Secret Feature. The New Android Operating System Update has been launched, together with this update was released on August 17, 2015. The latest update of android operating organization is known every bit the Marshmallow, which it is shorted amongst android 'M', Android marshmallow is claimed has extended battery life when your devices is plough on Doze Power Theme. This android 6.0 has native back upward for fingerprint recognition. And many wages characteristic is embedded on this novel android 6.0 marshmallow.

When this novel android operating organization is launched,  the in conclusion software evolution kit (SDK) for Android 6.0 is announced for developers to teach stuck into ahead of the tumble unloosen of Android Marshmallow. If you lot desire to try this android 6.0, preview organization images are also available for many Nexus devices. Are you lot actually desire to try this novel android operating organization update ? if so, you lot tin install android marshmallow developer preview today. but you lot must try difficult piece of work to create this. 

If you lot are curious together with challenged to try install this novel Android marshmallow on your devices, you must move willing  to wipe your telephone information entirely, so, earlier you lot functioning it you lot must backup all stored information on your devices. To install Android Marshmallow you lot must download together with install diverse tools together with flash a novel ROM to wipe your android device, close how to create it, you lot tin uncovering the tutorial yesteryear search on google search engine.

10 Great Secret Feature on Android 6.0 Marshmallow.

If you lot are curious what the features constitute on Android 6.0 Marshmallow, you tin read this post bellow, together with thence you lot tin create upward one's heed what volition you lot create farther to your android device.

1. Vertical together with alphabetised app drawer.
Android Operating System Update has been launched Google Android 6.0 Marshmallow : 10 Great Secret Feature You Must Know
Vertical together with alphabetised app drawer

On the novel Google Android Marshmallow, google has been redesigned a novel app drawer that probable to move polarising, although this blueprint expect filled together with waste matter the space. The wages of this novel blueprint is giving you lot  much greater functionality than older version.

This blueprint is expert for a novel android user, because they tin  search for apps at the hap of the app drawer, handy for those amongst lots of apps installed. And all your late opened upward apps volition demo at the hap row of your enshroud for quick acccess, the other wages of this novel blueprint is you lot tin come across that pps are to a greater extent than clearly alphabetised for meliorate visibility.

And at nowadays for the novel blueprint of novel app drawer is real interesting, at nowadays you lot tin scrolls all your app vertically instead of horizontally.and you lot tin uncovering this involvement affair on previous android version earlier Android Marshmallow.

2. Huge v Ghz Tethering.

if you lot oft using your Android smartphone or tablet to brand a mobile hotspot, Now you lot volition move able to broadcast a huge v Ghz WiFi signal, Unlike the previous Android version that only broadcast 2,4 Ghz WiFi signal. So amongst Android Marshmallow you lot tin broadcast the rigid wifi signla to the other hotspot user that coverege. 

But this theme soundless became debateable, accept you lot when occupation tethering on your android device tin accomplish a high functioning approach v Ghz WiFi ?

3. Native A2DP Bluetooth Streaming.

With this characteristic that embedded on Android 6.0 Marshmallow, you lot tin occupation Most Bluetooth speakers together with earpieces already employ A2DP’s dual channel stereo technology, but the job for this illustration is the developer of this hardware does non brand A2DP every bit incompatible devices for Android Marshmallow yet.

4. Visual Voicemail.
Android Operating System Update has been launched Google Android 6.0 Marshmallow : 10 Great Secret Feature You Must Know
visual voicemaill at android 'M' Marshmallow

On the novel Android Marshmallow you tin access Visual Voicemail service accessible from the dialer, together with this information was issued from mechanical human being Developer of Android M, If you lot desire know What is visual voicemail inward this updated operating organization ? If desire to know this visual voicemail primarily nonetheless it sounds, visual voicemail presents your voicemail amongst a visible interface, instead of the audio­based setup similar inward electrical flow mechanical human being sensible phones.

5. You volition never come across Drak Theme.
Android Operating System Update has been launched Google Android 6.0 Marshmallow : 10 Great Secret Feature You Must Know
dark theme is gone at android 'M' Marshmallow

Now, on The latest updates of Google Android 'M' Marshmallow operating system, Google has determined to teach rid of the dark theme. On this novel operating organization you lot volition no longer come across dark theme similar on the previous vesion of Android operating system. We don't sympathize what is google argue for this, but nosotros promise dark theme is come upward dorsum again, simply adding a novel carte du jour at setting to switch this theme.

6. Rotating Home Screen.
Android Operating System Update has been launched Google Android 6.0 Marshmallow : 10 Great Secret Feature You Must Know
rotating dwelling enshroud at android 'M' Marshmallow

This novel characteristic that embedded on Android Marshmallow is rotating dwelling screen, the enshroud rotation operate for the dwelling enshroud has finally created Associate inward Nursing look, amongst this characteristic you lot tin occupation your Android Smartphone on landscape view, together with this tin move perform on each running apps together with on standby agency at homescreen. I simply say, cool.

7. Delete Screenshot.

Take a moving-picture demo on enshroud is called screenshot, when you lot doing this on previous version of Android Operating System your moving-picture demo volition straight relieve to your phone. But on the novel Android 'M' Marshmallow has a novel characteristic that enable you lot to delete a screenshot preview inside notification shade earlier you lot relieve it.

8. RAM Manager.
Android Operating System Update has been launched Google Android 6.0 Marshmallow : 10 Great Secret Feature You Must Know
RAM managing director Android Marshmallow

New characteristic of this Android Marshmallow operating system memory department is currently laid front end together with middle inside the Settings menu. so, amongst this characteristic you lot can conversant inward what RAM administration is together with what you’ll move able to occupation it for.

9. Network Setting Reset.
Android Operating System Update has been launched Google Android 6.0 Marshmallow : 10 Great Secret Feature You Must Know
Network Setting Resetandroid marshmallow

The novel Android Marshmallow has a novel characteristic that called Network Setting Reset, this carte du jour is used for instantly wipe all of your network settings, together amongst Wi-Fi connections, cellular knowledge together with Bluetooth connections. And you lot tin uncovering this carte du jour on Backup together with reset settings.

10. Huge Internal Storage.
Android Operating System Update has been launched Google Android 6.0 Marshmallow : 10 Great Secret Feature You Must Know
Huge Internal Storage Android marshmallow

On this novel Android Marshmallow characteristic is offering a huge Internal Storage, together with thence you lot tin complimentary from internal storage on your android devices. Sometimes nosotros adding a new microSD together with USB On The Go (OTG) installed on our devices, but at nowadays nosotros tin exit it.